29 Linux Commands You Must Know
Linux distributions support various GUIs (graphical user interfaces)
but the old command line interface (bash) still proves to be
easier and quicker in some situations. Bash and other Linux shells require you to type in commands to complete your tasks, and thus gets named the command line interface.
Commands are directives for the computer to carry out a task. You
can use commands to shut down your computer, or show a list of files in
the current directory or the contents of a text file, or to show a
message on the screen. They’re easy and powerful at the same time.
If you are new to this and have always wanted to try it out, we’ve
compiled a list of various basic Linux commands that you can learn and
use for various tasks in several Linux distros. The list is not exhaustive but it should make for a good start for beginners or intermediate Linux users or administrators.
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