Monday, January 19, 2015

Simple JavaScript OOP for C++, Java and C# Developers


Most developers are familiar with object-oriented programming and design in languages like Java, C++ and C#. JavaScript, however, does not provide any obvious means to support this kind of object-oriented development. The result is that structured code becomes very hard to write for developers new to the world of JavaScript.
If you have written a few programs in JavaScript and wondered if it’s possible to add more structure to your programs using object-oriented strategies, this tip is for you. In this post, we will look at the use of a small JavaScript utility that allows us to structure our JavaScript programs in the form of “classes” and objects.


Traditionally, object-oriented programming relies on creating classes and creating object instances from classes. This approach to OOP was pioneered by a language known as Simula and eventually became the basis of object-oriented programming in popular languages such as C++ and Java.
Object-oriented programming in JavaScript, however, comes from a different OOP paradigm known as prototype-based programming. It was first introduced by the language Self with the aim of solving some problems in class-based programming. This style of programming has no concept of classes, and being very different from the class-based style we’re usually familiar with, it requires a learning curve.
The utility presented below, however, provides a way to mimic class-based OOP in JavaScript.

10 Best Tutorials To Learn AngularJS

AngularJS is an awesome Javascript framework that can be used to create powerful and dynamic web apps. It also covers the building of complex client-side applications. Since its release in 2009, AngularJS has been widely used by many developers for its convenient extending of custom HTML tags and attributes, known as ‘directives’.

For some people, learning Angular through its official documentation is not enough. They prefer a video-based tutorial instead, or a more sophisticated learning site with specific discussions, a demo, the try it yourself feature and the like. So in this post, we’re listing 10 AngularJS tutorial and screencasts that will kickstart your Angular learning.

1. Year Of Moo
This well-written tutorial by Year of Moo is going to teach you the very basics of how AngularJS works and what it can be used for. It covers all the primary parts of Angular: Modules, Dependency Injection, Routes, Services, Directives and more. It also give you a brief explanation of Angular usage with MooTools and jQuery. You probably want to read their second article for more Angular tips and tricks.

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Important Tips Every jQuery Developer Should Know

There are number of ways to achieve a task in jQuery but knowing what to use and when to use a particular, separates you from other developers. This article contains some basic guidance that every jQuery Developer must keep in mind while working on their projects and websites.

The Absolutely Awesome jQuery CookBook. Covers jQuery 1.11, 2.1 and jQuery UI 1.11.

1. stopPropagation or preventDefault or return false?
Developers new to stopPropagation, preventDefault and return false are often confused with which technique to use and when. This section will clear that confusion.


To understand stopPropagation, we need to understand event bubbling first. Let’s take an example. Let us say you have a link <a> inside a <div> as shown here....

15 programming languages you need to know in 2015

If you're a programmer, these are good times. Jobs in the segment are projected to grow 8% over the next seven years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you're a hotshot coder, you can make up to $300 an hour or more.

Those at the high end of the pay scale have mastered the languages that are most in demand. Which are those? We asked Doug Winnie, director of content for online learning platform Lynda. Here's his assessment:

 1. Java

Java is one of the most popular languages for building back-ends for modern enterprise-web applications. With Java and frameworks based on it, web developers can build scalable web apps for a variety of users. Java is also the main language used to develop native Android apps for smartphones and tablets.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

15 Useful JavaScript Libraries for January 2015

JavaScript libraries help you to develop creative and useful web applications easily, there are myriad of tools and eBooks are available online that will help you to learn and manipulate these libraries. The basic use of JavaScript is to write functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document object Model of the page.

In this article, we are featuring some of the most useful JavaScript libraries for January 2015, Some of you may be familiar with several of these JS libraries, others may not. In both cases you should store these JavaScript libraries to your collection. We hope this round-up will help you discover some plugins which could be utilized in one of your upcoming projects. So without making delay lets check out these JavaScript Libraries. Enjoy !!

1. Snabbt.js

Snabbt.js is a minimalistic javascript animation library. It focuses on moving things around. It will translate, rotate, scale, skew and resize your elements. By including matrix multiplication operations, transforms can be combined in any way you want. The end result is then set via CSS3 transform matrices.

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10 experimental Gmail features you must try

As if Gmail wasn't powerful enough, you can find all sorts of goodies and extra features in Gmail Labs. The list is pretty massive, so we've narrowed down our 10 favorite Lab features to help increase your email productivity.

Here's over to 10 Gmail Labs features you should enable right now.

1.Undo Send
We've all been there: You spend half an hour writing a strongly worded letter, hit send, and realize you probably shouldn't have done that. Thankfully, Gmail's Undo Send feature — available in Gmail Labs — is there to save you from yourself. 

2.Custom keyboard shortcuts
We love keyboard shortcuts. It's no secret. The shortcuts in Gmail are some of our favorites, allowing you to ninja your way through Gmail with just your keyboard—and they even add a few every once in a while. 

3.Preview external services in messages
Gmail has quite a few labs that let you preview things like videos, documents, voicemails, and images in emails if they're sent from certain services....

Monday, January 12, 2015

Top 24 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Programmers

JavaScript Framework is basically a pre-written JavaScript library which is considered to be the best feature of JavaScript programming language. It enables the developers to easily develop JavaScript based web applications. The JavaScript Framework actually makes the work of developer easier and offer many features and functions, thus helping developers to enrich the website development tasks.

JavaScript Framework is also called as JavaScript libraries which are responsible for enriching the usages of this programming language in different ways. It makes the process of application development much easier for developers as it allows them to use same code written in JavaScript frameworks and hence preventing them from writing same line of code each time individually, which not only prolong the process, but also make the task difficult at times.     

Today, JavaScript Framework is available everywhere over the internet with variety of working capacities and capabilities. So, choosing the right JavaScript framework for your need may become difficult, especially if you don’t boast the knowledge about these programming languages. So, keeping this in mind, some of the best and selected JavaScript frameworks for 2014 have been listed below in this article.