Friday, February 20, 2015

To Code or Not To Code

When developing a front-end for an existing application, one of the first questions that often arises is “How should we build this?” Choosing to write custom code to solve a problem can give you a lot of flexibility in the end product, but ultimately will end up causing a lot of money and time for development and ongoing support. 

In some cases, it makes more sense to try to abstract the development process as much as possible, minimizing the amount of code to be written. In this article we will look at a number of ways to approach building an application on top of existing data, and why you might choose one over the other. We’ll also touch upon the related front-end code, particularly looking at cases where a directive-driven approach like AngularJS can be used efficiently and effectively.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

15 Best Node.js Tools For 2015

Node.js is really getting popular + being used more and more each day and it deserves this attention with the flexibility and performance if offers. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. JavaScript is mostly ran/rendered on the client-side, in the browsers. However, Node.js is a server-side JavaScript interpreter and allows us to handle and make requests via JavaScript.

In this article we have compiled a list of some Best Node.js Tools for Developers in 2015. Following Node.js tools are quite useful for both pro and newbie developers who have just started learning Node.js. If you are aware of any other useful Node.js resources please let us know by dropping a comment below. Enjoy !!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

6 Powerful Frameworks For Creating Restful Services In Java

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services. Here is a list of best Frameworks specifically for creating RESTful services in Java.

1) Dropwizard 
Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services. Dropwizard is a opinionated framework for setting up modern web applications, includes Jetty, Jackson, Jersey and Metrics. Developed by Yammer to power their JVM-based backend services, Dropwizard pulls together stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem into a simple, light-weight package that lets you focus on getting things done....

Friday, February 13, 2015

Top 10 Easy Performance Optimisations in Java

There has been a lot of hype about the buzzword “web scale“, and people are going through lengths of reorganising their application architecture to get their systems to “scale”.
But what is scaling, and how can we make sure that we can scale?

Different aspects of scaling

The hype mentioned above is mostly about scaling load, i.e. to make sure that a system that works for 1 user will also work well for 10 users, or 100 users, or millions. Ideally, your system is as “stateless” as possible such that the few pieces of state that really remain can be transferred and transformed on any processing unit in your network. When load is your problem, latency is probably not, so it’s OK if individual requests take 50-100ms. This is often also referred to as scaling out

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3 Best Libraries to manipulate Java bytecode programmatically

If you are looking for a well-maintained Java bytecode manipulation library with an intuitive API then you are at the right place. We are going to discuss 3 Best  bytecode manipulation library. There seem to be quite a lot of them out there. Here is my suggestion on what you should try along with their tutorial links

1)  ASM
ASM is an all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. It can be used to modify existing classes or dynamically generate classes, directly in binary form. Provided common transformations and analysis algorithms allow to easily assemble custom complex transformations and code analysis tools.
ASM offer similar functionality as other bytecode frameworks, but it is focused on simplicity of use and performance. Because it was designed and implemented to be as small and as fast as possible, it makes it very attractive for using in dynamic systems*.

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15 Best HTML5 Frameworks for 2015

HTML5 is one of the most popular language amongst developer community as it offers number of features such as modern browser support, structure specific tags, visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, drag and drop interactive, new video, audio and canvas elements, SVG animations, and many more.
There are myriad of frameworks are being released by developer community in certain time span to help developers to deal with messy code and conflicts. For this article we have generated a list of Best HTML5 Frameworks for 2015 which will help you to simplify your development process without much endeavors. Following HTML5 Frameworks are new and offer number of features and component to help you with your projects to achieve desired results. If you are aware of some other useful html5 frameworks released recently, please do let us know by posting a comment below. We would love to hear your feedback. Enjoy !!
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Top 10 Most Common Java Performance Problems

Java performance is an issue of interest for all Java application developers, since making an application fast is as important as making it functional. Steven Haines uses his personal experience on Java performance issues to conclude that most of them have common root causes. So, as a performance analyst, Haines sorts the basic performance issues to three basic categories:

Database problems, that mostly have to do with persistence configuration, caching or database connection thread pool configuration.

Memory problems, that usually are garbage collection misconfiguration or memory leaks.

Concurrency problems, and basically deadlocks, gridlocks and thread pool configuration problems.
Let’s delve into each category…

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