Tuesday, April 7, 2015

10 Tricky Core Java Interview Coding Questions :

(Answers are provided at the end).

1) Can you instantiate this class?

public class A
A a = new A();

2) Is the below code written correctly? If yes, what will be the output?

class A
static void staticMethod()
System.out.println("Static Method");


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

11 Top Free IDE For Java Coding, Development & Programming

Our developers spend alot of time buried in java code and we use a a variety of different IDE’s (Intergrated Development Environment) to develop Java Code, so I thought it would be good to compile a list of the best free IDEs out there for Java Programmers, developers and coders.

In this article I will be taking a look at 11 different IDE’s, some are used by us at IDR Solutions and others that should be worth considering if you like to experiment with alternative Java IDEs. Everyone has different requirements and we feel one of the strengths of the Java world is the choice available....

10 Best Online Resources To Learn CSS3 Easily

This article marks every points of CSS and introduction to new version CSS3. This advanced technology offers huge verity of new tags and attributes that make simple to build creative web designs and help to create web pages with new trends and beautiful layouts. Web Design is not a easy task but nowadays, technology are growing days by days that help to create stunning websites/ templates for your clients and spread over the internet.

Today we are going to share some best resources to learn CSS3 with its new tags and elements. These resources will give you all basic and advanced introductions to learn CSS3 step by step....

7 Useful jQuery Tips and Tricks for Developers

jQuery is the set of simple and lightweight JavaScript library. jQuery is one of the most popular client side scripting of HTML. Its famous among web designers and developers nowadays, have lots of useful plugins and techniques that help to create web pages more creative and beautiful. Also have some highly useful tricks that help jQuery developers a lot.

Today we are going to share some tips and tricks for jQuery users. These tricks will help you to make your web layout and applications more creative and functional. Please visit these tricks and tips and share your thought with us. We always try to find some highly useful resources for our readers. Please visit this list.

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Best CSS Tools for 2015

What CSS can do is changing the layout of web pages; typesetting, adjusting letter spacing and so on but Writing clean CSS is a laborious task when you get into newer CSS3 properties and their respective browser prefixes. Thankfully some hardcore developers have built online web applications to save us all that tiny bit of frustration.

In this article We have amassed a list of New Useful CSS Tools 2015 for developers released recently, which will help developers to accomplish their projects in certain period of time without much hassle.
Take a glance over these links and see if you can find any gems. Those who understand Sass/Compass will find some cool webapps in the list. Plus a number of css frameworks, code generators and other helpful CSS tools for any frontend developers.

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Coding Standards and Naming conventions

  • Coding Standards(CS) and Naming conventions(NC) are suggestions given by sun(Oracle).
  • CS and NC help developers to develop projects with more readability and understandability

Why Coding Standards? 

  • A program is written once , but read many times
    1. During debugging
    2. When adding to the program
    3. When updating the program
    4. When trying to understand the program
  • Anything that makes a program readable and understandable saves lots of time , even in the shot run.
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10 difference between Java and JavaScript for Programmers

Programmers, developers and internet users  have always been confused between Java and JavaScript.  Many people still thinks that JavaScript is part of Java platform, which is not true. In truth, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, only common thing between them is word "Java", much like in Car and Carpet, or Grape and Grapefruit. JavaScript is a client side scripting language for HTML, developed by Netscape, Inc, while Java is a programming language, developed by Sun Microsystems. James Gosling is Inventor of Java, popularly known as father of Java. While in today's world calling JavaScript just a client side scripting language would not be good, as its now been used in servers also using node.js and people are doing object oriented development in JavaScript, but that was what it was originally developed. There are several difference between Java and JavaScript, from how they are written, compiled and executed. Even capability of Java and JavaScript vary significantly. Java is full feature Object oriented programming language, used in almost everywhere, starting from programming credit card to server side coding. Android uses Java as programming language for creating Android apps, Swing is a Java API used to create desktop applications and Java EE is a Java platform for developing web and enterprise applications. On the other hand JavaScript is primarily used to bring interactivity into web pages, though there are other alternatives like Flash, JavaScript is the most popular one and regaining lots of ground lost earlier with introduction of powerful and easy to use libraries like jQuery and jQuery UI. You can use JavaScript to validate user input, create animation and cool effects in HTML page and can do lot of interactive stuff e.g. reacting on button click, mouse movement, image click etc. In this article, I will share some key differences between Java and JavaScript, mostly from a programmers perspective.