Friday, May 29, 2015

8 New Java 8 Features

1.Default and Static methods in    Interface
2.Lambda Expressions
5.Method References
6.Data Time API
7.Nashorn Javascript Engine
8.Parallel Arrays

1.Default and Static methods in Interface :
Java 8 introduces new features to interfaces.
Before java 8 interface having only abstract methods but now java 8 added two more type of methods to interface !.
First one is default method. A method which is having a default keyword with method body.
Actually interfaces wont have any implemented methods  but now with java 8 default method we can add a method with default implementation by using "default " keyword...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

13 Best Bug Reporting And Tracking Tools For Developers

No software developing project that involves hundreds and thousands of lines of code is successful without bugs and issues that need to be tracked.  All you developers out there surely will agree with me on this that any kind of software development project require bugs and it is important to track the issues and fix them before finally rolling it out. 

There are quite a lot of times when developers as users to submit their feature requests and report the bugs. This all is the part of the entire process that is being followed before finally launching the software....

10 Best Free HTML Editors for Web Developers

HTML editor has the potential to create a web page with a suitable design with the help of syntax highlighting, useful HTML code completion, applications and services that facilitate the process of web development. You can have a look at our selection of few best free HTML editors for Windows.

 Learn More

Monday, May 25, 2015

20 Best Android Developer Tools For Developers

In the era of technology android phones help one to pace with the changing world. Android tools thus play a key role in this field and help web developer in creating wonders. As a web developer, love to stay connected to the Web and is always on a hunt to find the best android tools for their work.

Today TGZ decided to provide a treasure of the best android developer tools for its visitors. With these tools developers can make Android apps for any mobile Android device....

Friday, May 22, 2015

Best Cross Browser Testing Tools

Every web developer today faces the challenge of checking website compatibility across a large pool of browsers and browser versions in the marketplace. Up and until now, either you could install every browser, verify the website via a visual inspection or there are myriad of tools that let you comprehensively test your websites, and check if it successfully displays across various browsers, platforms and resolutions.

Below we have compiled a list of both free and premium cross-browser testing tools...

7 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Threads In Java

Here, I have tried to make a list of some observations about threads in java. You may be asked about these points in the interviews. I hope you guys will find it useful.
1) If you start a thread that is already started, you will get java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException at run time. There will be no compilation errors....

12 Pros And Cons Of Raising Money Vs. Bootstrapping

For startup founders, it's an age-old question: is it better to bootstrap or to raise funding? It certainly depends on your goals and your industry to some extent. But if you're new to the startup world, what variables should you look at to determine which is better for your company in the long run?

To find out, I asked 12 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) when it's necessary to involve outside investors. Their answers are below.

1. Raise money to accelerate growth
While the answer depends on the type of business and business model, it's often critical to raise money....