Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Features In Java 9 That Will Change How You Develop Software

What are the most exciting features that are expected to be released in Java 9?
Don’t get distracted by the relative silence lately around Java 9. The JDK committers are hard at work preparing the next release, expected to be feature complete just a few months away on December 2015. After that, it will go through rigorous tests and bug fixes preparing it for general availability, which is scheduled for September 2016.

Today we have a pretty clear picture of the features we can expect in Java 9. If Java 8 could be described as the major release of lambdas, streams and API changes, then Java 9 isabout Jigsaw, extra utilities and changes under the hood. In this post we’ve gathered some of the features we believe are the most exciting ones that are targeting Java 9 – Apartthe usual suspect, project Jigsaw, which took on the mission of breaking down the JRE and bringing modularity to Java’s core components.

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