Friday, February 13, 2015

12 Must Have HTML5 Text Editors

Today, everything around us is evolving very fast and we always need to stay up-to-date + learn new stuff to keep being a part of them. If we take the work-life of a designer/developer as a base, there are many new tools, software and techniques appearing each day. Amongst them HTML5 Text Editors have their own place amongst developers, such editors provide comfortable development environment to code better and faster, few of them are premium and some of them come with premium like features without any cost.
HTML5 text editors allow you to edit and develop various web applications and websites with less or no endeavors, these editors come with myriad of features and functionalities that make development task easy for developers.

For this roundup we have compiled a list of 12 Best HTML5 Text Editors for Developers, if you are aware of any other useful editor, please let us know by posting a comment below. Enjoy !!

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8 JavaScript Libraries to Animate SVG

SVG is a resolution-independent graphic. That means it will look good on any type of screen without suffering any loss of quality. Beyond that, you can also makes SVG come alive with some animation effects.
In one of the post of our SVG series previously, we have shown you how SVG animation works with the <animate> element albeit at a low level. This time, we will share a couple of JavaScript libraries that help extends SVG animation to the next level.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

20 Best AngularJS Tools for Developers

AngularJS is the JavaScript MVW Framework choice of many web developers as it simplifies creating dynamic views in web-applications while staying readable. It lets you use good old HTML (or HAML, Jade and friends!) as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.

For this roundup we have compiled a list of Best AngularJS Tools that will ease your development tasks and help you to develop creative web applications. We have gathered web apps, tools, debugging tools modules, frameworks for building with Angular.js. If you know or have some favourite tools or apps, please do share with us by posting a comment below.

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33 Java Things You Want to Do Better

This presentation covers 33 things you want to do better when programming with Java, quicker and simpler applying the best of Guava, Lombok, LambdaJ, Mockito, Spock, Byteman, Groovy, Gradle, Logback, Git, Shell and others! Using some real-life examples we have a peek at the code, analyze the flaw and propose a suitable solution.

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Astonishing CSS3 text effects

In today’s tutorial, I will show you six amazing CSS3 text effects: 3D effect using the text-shadow, effects with gradients and mask-image, effects with transitions and background-clip, and more. All they undoubtedly will prove useful to you, because CSS3 allows us to achieve a truly impressive results. Part of the described effects works in most browsers that support CSS3, however, a few examples will only work in Webkit. Therefore, in order to get more impressions, I recommend that you view our demo in Webkit browsers: Chrome or Safari.

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Everything You Need To Know About Javascript Variable Scope

Most of the people assume that scope of variable in Javascript is very much similar to other programming languages like Java and C. But there are a number of points where the behavior is different and very complex. Not only beginners, even few experienced Javascript programmers find it difficult to understand scope of variable in Javascript. These points are to be understood well to master Javascript and code with less syntactical as well as logical errors

The scope of a variable is the portion of the program code for which the variable's name has meaning and for which the variable is said to be "visible". Javascript has two types of scopes global and local(function) level scope. Variables declared globally that are visible throughout the javascript program come under global scope. Variables declared inside functions, may have same name as global varibles, are accessible only within that function are local variables.

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jQuery Autocomplete Mutiple Fields Using PHP, MySQL and AJAX

In this tutorial I am going to show how to populate multiple textfields using single jQuery autocomplete select. For example I am going search country name on country name textfield using jQuery autocomplete, finally results will show list of country names that matches your search. 

While selecting country name from any one of the search results, it will populate that corresponding country Number, Country Phone code and Country code will be populated automatically in their respective textfields

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